Quebec independent producer
of renewable energy since 1987
Hydromega is a Quebec pioneer in the production of renewable energy. For more than 35 years, Hydromega has been developing, building and operating electricity production facilities, first in Quebec and then in Ontario since 2005. Hydromega was the first independent producer to operate hydroelectric power plants transferred by Hydro-Québec. Hydromega was also one of the first developers of wind farms with an installed capacity of 949 MW, which represents nearly 25% of the installed capacity in Quebec. Hydromega also has a portfolio of solar, battery and biogas projects in Quebec and Ontario.
The hydroelectric production capacity developed and operated since the beginning of its operations currently totals 137 MW.
Our mission
Hydroméga s’est donné pour mission d’identifier, concevoir, développer, construire, financer et exploiter des projets de production d’énergie renouvelable.
Hydroméga s’est concentré sur la filière hydroélectrique et éolienne pendant les vingt premières années de son existence, avant de se tourner vers d’autres filières prometteuses telles que l’énergie solaire et les biocarburants.
Energy for people
Our expertise
Hydromega’s privileged position as one of the leaders in independent hydroelectric production in Quebec makes it a key partner in the development of new renewable energy projects.
Since its creation, Hydromega has demonstrated its capacity to be innovative in the development of high-quality projects :
- First independent power producer to sign a power purchase agreement in the Province of Quebec (Mont-Laurier generating station);
- Installation of the first hydroelectric production system using the siphon method to pump water over the dam in Canada (Côte Sainte-Catherine I, II and III generating stations);
- First public-private partnership developed in the independent hydroelectricity production in Quebec (Aménagement Magpie).
Hydromega is particularly seeking to develop partnerships with companies or local organizations interested in the development of their region’s renewable power potential.
Hydromega offers its community partners the possibility to develop the energy potential of their territories.